Tentang Toleransi Beragama

lutfiprayogi.wordpress.com, @lutfiprayogi


#1 Di Auckland, beberapa teman dekat (Sanghyun hyung, flatmates, classmates) bukanlah seorang Muslim. Sehari-hari, kami jarang membicarakan..

#2 .. agama masing-masing. Saya sendiri bukannya ga mw menjelaskan Islam, tapi kadang malas aja krn penjelasannya akan panjang. *maaf* ..

#3 .. Saat meminta kesempatan utk sholat ditengah kerja kelompok, saya merasa mereka memberikan kesempatan sholat ke saya hanya atas dasar..

#4 .. kesopanan (courtesy), bukan krn paham bahwa sholat adlh hal integral dlm hidup dan agama saya.

#5 Dgn pengalaman tsb, saya setuju bahwa di Indonesia, agar seorang Muslim mampu membangun toleransi yg baik thdp non-Muslim, baik utk..

#6 .. baik bagi mereka utk mengetahui hal-hal apa yg terpenting dlm agama-agama selain Islam. Seorang Muslim berempati thdp non-Muslim. ..

#7 .. Tidak perlu diartikan Muslim harus murtad dulu agar bisa bertoleransi thdp non-Muslim, ga usah lebay deh.

#8 Penguatan pemahaman akidah, akhlak, serta pengetahuan fikih seorang Muslim tidak perlu dilengkapi dgn ketakutan utk berinteraksi dgn..

#9 .. ajaran dan penganut ajaran agama lain.

#10 Sanghyun hyung adlh seorang Katolik, dan tentu saja saya berdoa agar ia diberikan hidayah oleh Allah utk memeluk Islam. 🙂

#11 Dan saya super sepakat, langkah pertama yg efektif utk mengenalkan Islam ke non-Muslim adlh dgn menampilkan akhlak yg baik.

#12 Terhadap Sanghyun hyung sendiri saya memutuskan utk menghormatinya sebagai yg lebih tua sebagaimana mestinya dlm budaya Korea. ..

#13 .. Kebetulan budaya tsb ga beda jauh dgn budaya Indonesia yg selama ini saya jalankan.

#14 Menurutku inti dr toleransi beragama adlh meyakini ajaran agama yg dianut adlh yg benar tanpa perlu memaksakan pemahaman tsb pada orang lain

#15 Rasanya budaya adalah instrumen yg tepat utk menampilkan akhlakul karimah.

God Defend New Zealand


Lagu kebangsaan Selandia Baru ini menurut gw bagus banget, liriknya mirip doa-doa extended version di pengajian-pengajian. 😀

God Defend New Zealand

E Ihowā Atua, (O Lord)

O ngā iwi mātou rā, (of all people)

Āta whakarangona, (Listen to us)

Me aroha noa. (Cherish us.)

Kia hua ko te pai, (May good flourish)

Kia tau tō atawhai, (may your blessings flow)

Manaakitia mai (defend)

Aotearoa (New Zealand)

God of Nations at Thy feet,

In the bonds of love we meet,

Hear our voices, we entreat,

God defend our free land.

Guard Pacific’s triple star

From the shafts of strife and war,

Make her praises heard afar,

God defend New Zealand.

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Penampilan musik yang menusuk


Dari sekian banyak penampilan musik yang pernah saya saksikan (walaupun ga menyaksikan langsung sih 😛 ), ada beberapa penampilan yang luar biasa ‘menusuk’, dalam arti penampilan tersebut benar-benar membuat membuat saya menahan nafas dan memusatkan seluruh perhatian saya pada penampilan tersebut. Berikut beberapa diantaranya.

2AM – I Wonder If You Hurt Like Me

  Read the rest of this entry »

Eat Bulaga Indonesia


Eat Bulaga Indonesia adalah kuis untuk siswa-siswi SD di Indonesia, diadaptasi dari kuis serupa di Filipina. Permainan intinya sederhana saja, seseorang harus menebak sebuah kata dengan cara menyebutkan kata sebanyak-banyaknya, dengan pasangannya akan menjawab ‘Ya’, ‘Tidak’, atau ‘Bisa jadi’ untuk setiap kata tebakan tersebut. Seperti ini nih:

Membosankan? Iya sih lumayan. 😛

Tapiii, jreng jreng jreng jreng jreng, ternyata kuis ini bisa menjadi se-menghibur ini. Cekidot.

Peringkat 5

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Korea Selatan


Jadi ini adalah sedikit cerita perjalanan gw ke Korea Selatan. Intinya, gw ke Korsel dengan tujuan utama untuk konferensi Cisak (Conference of Indonesian Students in Korea) 2013 yang diselenggarakan oleh Perpika (Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia di Korea Selatan). Masih banyak kisah berkesan yang tidak sempat terdokumentasikan karena beberapa hal (batere HP habis, sedang terburu-buru dan tidak sempat foto-foto, tidak dalam kondisi yang nyaman untuk foto-foto, ga ada yang motoin, dll). Semoga bermanfaat. :))

Bandara Incheon – Seoul – KTX


Alam Korea yang indah, hijau dan berbukit-bukit, dengan cuaca mendung-mendung gimana gitu, dari balik jendela kereta bandara.

IMG_20130706_113302Stasiun Seoul (baca: Soul). Read the rest of this entry »

Kereta Bandara Kuala Namu


Excerpted from http://chirpstory.com/li/99154

  • Bandara Kuala Namu, bandara terbesar ke2 Indonesia akn segera broperasi. Doi akn jd bandara prtama yg dlayani kereta. http://t.co/kmZrozJ5lX
  •  Sayangnya, layanan keretanya muahal. 80rb sekali jalan, menempuh jarak 20an km dalam 30 menit. Layanan tersebut bahkan lbh mahal dari..
  •  .. serupa di Kuala Lumpur dan Seoul. Saya katakan lbh mahal stlh mempertimbangkan kualitas layanan yg diberikan serta daya beli masyarakat. Read the rest of this entry »

Architecture 101



Somehow, my undergraduate study (majoring architecture) memory was a negative memory; full of suffering, etc. This movie helps changing it into a sweet one. 🙂


P.s: Someday maybe, really maybe, I will discuss the movie cognitively, but in the meantime I will just enjoy it psychologically. 🙂

UCL Bartlett DPU MPhil/PhD Application Research Proposal


In order to apply to MPhil/PhD program, I need to make a research proposal. This proposal is one of the hardest thing I have ever made on my entire academic life. Enjoy and wish me luck! 😀


UCL = University College London

Bartlett = popular name of Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment

DPU = Development Planning Unit; a special school/department in the Bartlett researching architecture and planning issues on developing countries

MPhil/PhD = integrated Master (by research) and Doctorate program, normally take 3-4 years of study


City infrastructure’s development in areas consisting small and decentralized housing. case study: Jabodetabek, Indonesia.

Based on governments’ report, in recent years abundant of small and decentralized housings are being developed in Jakarta’s surrounding areas (Jabodetabek).[i] While housing development is still highly demanded, some city officials complained that small housing developments detain them to develop integrated infrastructure within and around the areas. [ii]

This research will analyze city infrastructure’s development in areas consisting small and decentralized housing, with case studies in areas around Jabodetabek, Indonesia. It aims to explain issues affecting city infrastructure’s development in such area and condition. This research will start with a comprehensive overview of the factors supporting the development of small and decentralized housing. Some of the issues to be studied are regulations, economical dynamics, society’s characteristics, etc. This part will mainly be literature review. Recent study shows that decentralization policy was implemented to cope the high demand of housing.[iii] [iv] Recent study also shows that small housing is related with security issue of its inhabitants.[v]

The main part of the research will depart from some researches analyzing the infrastructure cost in conventional American cities’ sprawl and alternate ‘compact city’ idea.[vi] [vii] [viii] Some of the independent variables studied in those researches, such as land use, density, building lot size, etc, will be studied in this research as well as their relationship with dependent variables, such as infrastructure requirement, infrastructure cost, etc. Those approaches will be enhanced with analysis of other issues and variables such are housing size, responsible parties in infrastructure development, infrastructure development time and staging, etc. This enhancement may include explanation of some relevant issues on infrastructure development such as privatization and . [ix] [x] [xi] City infrastructure’s development in area with big and centralized housing will also be analyzed as supporting comparison. This part will mainly be empirical data gathering, analysis, and synthesis.

The research questions are:

  1. How much does it cost to develop recommended city infrastructure in areas with small and decentralized housings?
  2. What are the schemes of developing city infrastructure in areas with small and decentralized housings?
  3. How does housing size affect infrastructure development?
  4. How does housing decentralization policy affect infrastructure development?

This research will help expanding understanding on physical and non-physical issues  affecting infrastructure development in an area. This research will also help expanding understanding on infrastructure development in developing countries.


[i] -. ”Dilema Pembangunan Perumahan Kecil”. http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/read/2011/08/01/13184913/Dilema.Pembangunan.Perumahan.Kecil (October 11, 2012)

[ii] -. “Kendalikan Perumahan Kecil yang Menjamur”. http://bisniskeuangan.kompas.com/read/2011/08/04/07294681/Kendalikan.Perumahan.Kecil.yang.Menjamur (October 11, 2012)

[iii] Dwyer, D J.  1986. Urban Housing and Planning in China. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series. Vol. 11, No. 4 (1986), pp. 479-489

[iv] Chen, Xiangming and Xiaoyuan Gao. 1993. China’s Urban Housing Development in the Shift from Redistribution to Decentralization. Social Problem. 40:2, 266-283.

[v] Aryani, Novi Dwi. 2011. Gambaran Umum dan Perkembangan Town House sebagai Alternatif Wujud Perumahan; Studi Kasus Town House di Wilayah Kebagusan Jakarta Selatan. Jakarta: Departemen Arsitektur FTUI

[vi] Ewing, Reid. 1997. Is Los Angeles-Style Sprawl Desirable. Journal of the American Planning Association. Winter 1997 (63, 1), 107

[vii] Gordon, Peter, and Harry W Richardson. 1997. Are Compact Cities a Desirable Planning Goal?. Journal of the American Planning Association. Winter 1997 (63, 1), 95

[viii] Burchell, Robert W, et. al. 1998. The Cost of Sprawl – Revisited, Transit Cooperative Research Program Report 39. Washington DC: National Academy Press

[ix] Eichengreen, Barry. 1995. Financing Infrastructure in Developing Countries: Lessons from the Railway Age. The World Bank Research Observer. Vol. 10, No. 1 (Feb., 1995), pp. 75-91

[x] de Castro, Julio and Klaus Uhlenbruck. 1997. Characteristics of Privatization: Evidence from Developed, Less-Developed, and Former Communist Countries. Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 28, No. 1 (1st Qtr., 1997), pp. 123-143

[xi] Kikeri, Sunita and John Nellis. 2004. An Assessment of Privatization. The World Bank Research Observer. Vol 19, No. 1 (Spring, 2004), pp. 87-118

NgeSingapur-Kuala Lumpur


Jadi inilah yang kami lakukan selama 3 hari 3 malam di Singapura dan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 😀

Rabu, 13 November 2012
08.00  Check in di Soetta 
22.00  Lepas landas menuju Changi 
Rabu, 14 November 2012
00.40-04.30 Internetan, istirahat

Sok-sokan mw tidur di Area Istirahat. Emangnya boleh?


04.00-04.30 Dibangunkan petugas, diusir dari Area Istirahat Changi, imigrasi masuk Singapura

Meninggalkan Changi, setelah diusir.


04.30-05.30  Nunggu MRT ke kota mulai beroperasi, liat-liat bandara, ngisi air minum gratis 
05.30-06.30  Naik MRT ke Kampong Gelam, cari masjid buat sholat Shubuh, numpang istirahat di Masjid Read the rest of this entry »

Driving in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur



I found two videos on YouTube which present my perception of traffic in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur.



The traffic is constantly full of stop-and-go-and-stop-and-go, lane splittings are severe, and motorcycles are mosquito-ing.


Kuala Lumpur

The traffic flows smoothly and motorcycles are seldom.

The smooth traffic flow, one of many, is contributed by the presence of freeways which are LITERALLY everywhere, criss-crossing the city. The total length of freeways in Klang Valley (Kuala Lumpur and the surrounding areas) is incomparable with the one in Jabodetabek. Since the freeways are adapting to Klang Valley’s terrain, they are full of climbs, declines, curves, turns, etc. Those features make driving in Klang Valley freeways a memorable experience. 🙂


Ps: I don’t remember public transportation in Klang Valley as a very good one. But still, it is better than the one in Jabodetabek. 😉